From the start of our riad's activity, we have paid particular attention to hygiene, both microbial and parasitic. We have always advocated, long before the current episode, and implemented among our staff rigorous asepsis and disinfection practices, while respecting a natural approach prohibiting chemicals and too aggressive detergents. unhealthy mixtures ...

The steam process is the most efficient against all kinds of pollution / diseases and without dangerous collateral or allergenic effects. Due to the exceptional situation due to the global emergency caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus, we have activated all the necessary mechanisms to guarantee the safety of our team and our guests in order to continue to provide our services in accordance with the standards and established protocols😷

We have further strengthened our hygiene measures against Covid-19. We have added recent shoe disinfection procedures, and hands. Recurrent hand cleaning was already a regular practice.

Our sanitary policy incorporates the following points:
The common areas are cleaned daily with disinfectant products.
The occupied rooms, their living rooms and bathrooms are cleaned daily with products adapted to each space.
Bed, bath and bathroom linens are washed at a suitable temperature.
Between each new occupancy of a room, it is completely cleaned with a disinfectant product.
During an epidemic:
Distancing measures must be observed, no physical contact, use of a hydro-alcoholic solution when entering the establishment.
Wearing a mask in the common areas by customers and staff.
Disinfection and non-occupancy of rooms for a minimum of 6 hours.
For breakfasts and meals, a distance of one meter between each table.
No use of air conditioning in the space catering and common areas. Natural ventilation of the catering area (doors and windows open)
Payment by privileged credit card and systematic disinfection of devices.
We confirm that we are, at present, 100% operational in order to offer you the best possible service and take this opportunity to send a message of support, and optimism. 💚